Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Student Show Announcement - Help Needed
The Student Show Judging will occur on Friday, August 6th and we need a scribe for every judge. The role of the scribe is to record the comments of the jurors, which gives you great insight from the judges. The judging forms have been improved to make the job easier and those who have scribed previously rave about the opportunities and education they received.
Hope to see you there, networking with your fellow classmates, and getting to know possible job contacts. If you can serve as a scribe, please RSVP on the submittal link located under the upcoming events (and below) by filling in the second half of the form. Hope to see you there! Thanks!
Scribing Details:
The following is a quick summary of the details for the day of judging. If you have any questions, please e-mail Katrina at katrific@verizon.net or call 310-374-2285.
- Date / Time: Friday, August 6th @ 8:30AM - 1:00PM (Approximately)
- Location: Meet in Room 314 of the 1010 Westwood building
- Attire: Casual but not sloppy. Our jurors are professional practicing landscape architects
- Food: A continental breakfast, coffee, juice and water will be available in the morning; Lunch with the jurors will be served around 12:00
- We will provide you with pens, paper and clipboards, no need to bring anything for the actual scribing.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Fundementals of Soil Workshop, June 26, 2010
Descanso Gardens adjusts its design for sustainability - latimes.com
Descanso Gardens adjusts its design for sustainability - latimes.com
Friday, July 16, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Date: Saturday 6/26/2010, 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon
Price: $75 cash or check
Instructor: Dariush Bakhtar, Ph.D., CPSS, Soil Scientist
Please RSVP with your interest to SCASLA Vice President, Grace Gardner, at gracegardner@gmail.com.
In this 3-hour workshop and lab, soil scientist, Dariush Bakhtar, Ph.D., CPSS, will teach students and professionals alike the fundamentals of soil that every landscape professional must know.
- Morphology, physical, and chemical properties of soil
- Soil water movement, and utilization- soil moisture determination, and soil-water-plant relation management
- Soil fertility and management - fertilizer requirements determination, best management practices
- Soil reaction, soil salinity and sodicity
- Soil subs & vendors
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
ASLA Mixer & Presentation of Anaheim Regional Transportation Intermodal Center (ARCTIC)
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Time: 5:30 pm – Networking/Mixer
6:30 p.m. - Presentation
Location: J.T. Schmidt’s
2610 E Katella Ave, Anaheim (Across from The Honda Center)
Cost: $15 for ASLA Student Members
Join us for a Mixer and Presentation on the Anaheim Regional Transportation Intermodal Center (ARTIC). ARTIC will be a world class transportation center where people transfer between travel services to reach both regional and interregional activity and business centers.
ARTIC will combine a transportation gateway and mixed-use activity center on a 16-acre site owned by the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) and the City of Anaheim. ARTIC will serve as a hub for Orange County and the region, a landmark where freeways, major arterials, bus routes and Orange County's backbone rail transit system converge. The network of transit choices will continue to grow in the coming years as the number of Metrolink and Amtrak trains serving Anaheim and local and express bus routes increase. ARTIC will accommodate these services as well as plans for future high- speed trains and rapid connection services. Come hear about the ARTIC Project...one of the most exciting and architecturally significant projects to be built in our state!
Call to Reserve:
Vicki Phillipy, Executive Director
Phone: (714) 838-3615 or Email: sccasla@aol.com
Payments can be mailed to:
SCC/ASLA Chapter Office
1100 Irvine Blvd., #371
Tustin, CA 92780
Credit Cards Accepted
Educational Sponsor
Friday, March 12, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Panel Discussion: A Sense of Community and its Identity Under SB 375...
SB 375 (September 2008) has been referred to by a few as the “Anti-Sprawl Bill”, or by others as the, “Sustainable Communities Strategies Act”. Either name an individual decides upon, the objective behind SB 375 is to encourage communities to develop land-use, housing, and transportation strategies that work within their particular built environment objectives, while also reducing the amount of green house gas (GHG) emissions produced by cars and light trucks. A key component, within SB 375, for the public, community groups, architects, engineers, city planners, administrators, and local government officials to keep in mind, is that individual communities and sub-regions will be given specific GHG emission reduction targets – they will not be given directives on how to meet their specific target. In other words, individual communities or sub-regions have an opportunity to collaborate, and to participate in, the decision processes that relate to and ultimately determine their local or sub-regional land-use, housing, and transportation policies. Simply stated, under SB 375, a community has an opportunity to maintain its influence over its unique identity. Our Moderator: Julianna Delgado, M.Arch, PhD, AICP, Assoc. Professor, Dept. of Urban and Regional Planning, Cal Poly Pomona Our Panel Members: Martin Wachs, PhD, RAND Corporation, Director of Transportation, Space, and Technology Michael K. Woo, Dean of College of Environmental Design, Cal Poly Pomona. Member of the Air Resources Board Paul Zimmerman, Executive Director of Southern California Association of Nonprofit Housing Huasha Liu, Director of Land Use and Environmental Planning for Southern California Association of Governments Our Program Schedule: 8:30 AM to 9:00 AM: Open Networking - Coffee, breakfast breads, fruits, etcetera 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM: Introduction by Julianna Delgado, M.Arch, PhD, AICP Presentation by Martin Wachs, PhD Presentation by Michael Woo, Dean of College of Environmental Design, Cal Poly Pomona 10:30 AM to 10:45 AM: Break - Coffee, bottled water, breakfast breads, fruits, etcetera 10:45 AM to 12:30 PM: Brief Presentation by Paul Zimmerman, Executive Director of SCANPH Brief Presentation by Huasha Liu, Director of Land Use and Environmental Planning for SCAG Panel Discussion Question and Answer Session 12:30 PM to 1:00 PM: Close-Out Networking - Coffee, bottled water, breakfast breads, fruits, etcetera Our Sponsors are: Livingreen, Culver City – 310.838.8442 www.livingreen.com The Carpet Brothers, Marina Del Rey – 310-940-5560 or 310-940-5592 www.thecarpetbrothers.com Build It Green – 510.845.0472 www.builditgreen,org
Sustainable Urban Landscape Conference
Sustainable Urban Landscape ConferencePerforming Arts Theatre @ Cuyamaca College900 Rancho San Diego ParkwayEl Cajon, CA 92019For more information check the website: www.cuyamaca.edu/OHweb or call 619-660-4023
· Hear progressive speakers from the sustainable landscape industry · Take advantage of the opportunity to tour 'green' facilities· One hour of continuing education credit for DPR (PCAs, QALs, QACs) has been approved.
Click here for:Conference Registration and Information
· Hear progressive speakers from the sustainable landscape industry · Take advantage of the opportunity to tour 'green' facilities· One hour of continuing education credit for DPR (PCAs, QALs, QACs) has been approved.
Click here for:Conference Registration and Information
We Look Forward to Seeing You There!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Welcome to the UCLA Ext Landscape Architecture Blog...
I hope that you find this a useful forum...
Aeryn Donnelly
President 2009/2010 & 2008/2009
UCLA Ext Student Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Please enter your nominations for the offices listed below. You may nominate yourself, or another person if you secure their permission first. Election ballots will be distributed during the fist week of March 2010. Results will be announced the second week of March 2010.
The years indicated below for Class Representatives begin with the summer quarter, i.e. - students currently completing 1st year are nominating, and will be voting for, 2nd year Class Reps, etc.
PRESIDENT: The President presides over all SCASLA meetings; forms committees as needed; allocates duties and responsibilities to other elected officers beyond their stated duties; coordinates all SCASLA communication with outside agencies; represents the SCASLA as an ex-officio member to the Southern California Chapter of the ASLA (SCC/ASLA); and serves as student representative at UCLA Extension Landscape Architecture Program instructor meetings (one per quarter.)
VICE PRESIDENT: The Vice President assumes the duties of the President in his/her absence; presides over committee chairpersons; assists the President in carrying out his/her duties; and serves as the student representative at UCLA Extension Guidance Committee Meetings (one per quarter).
SECRETARY: The Secretary records minutes at all meetings; records all voting results; coordinates SCASLA typing and printing requirements; and coordinates transmittal of SCASLA information to students through class representatives.
TREASURER: The Treasurer handles the finances of the SCASLA, including the collection of all fees, dues, charges, and other monies due SCASLA; developing budgets; maintaining accounts and records of all transactions; depositing and withdrawing funds; and giving financial reports if, and as, required at SCASLA meetings.
CLASS REPRESENTATIVES: Class Representatives attend meetings; serve on committees; and act as informational liaisons between classmates and SCASLA Executive Committee.
Nominees (Please nominate two for your year only):
First Year : ________________________ __________________________
Second Year: ________________________ __________________________
Third Year: _______________________ __________________________
Fourth Year: ________________________ ________________________
Monday, February 8, 2010
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Monday, February 1, 2010
LABASH outLANDish conference March 28-30 Las Vegas, NV
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Theodore Payne Foundation Citizen Scientists Needed
Citizen Scientists Needed! Barnsdall Art Exhibit! Late January/Early February Classes!
January 28, 2010
· TPF at the Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery in Barnsdall Park!
· Oaks of Southern California, with Rebecca Latta
· Design Fundamentals: Wet-to-Dry Native Garden Design, with Cassy Aoyagi
· Native Plant Garden Maintenance, with Barbara Eisenstein
· Propagating Native Plants, with Louise Gonzalez & Brendan Galipeau
· NEW! Gardeners' Roundtable
· Chumash Healing with Native Plants, with Cecilia Garcia and James D. Adams
Friend of Theodore Payne,
At the University of California, Santa Barbara, Susan Mazer, PhD., and Brian Haggerty, M.S., have developed the Phenology Stewardship Program, and they need our help. Having designed a program to collect data on the occurrence of events and patterns in the natural world, they need citizen scientists to collect data from their local environments and enter it on this website: www.usanpn.org (U.S.A. National Phenology Network).
Phenology is the science that measures the timing of life cycle events in plants, animals, and microbes, and detects how the environment influences the timing of those events. In the case of flowering plants, these life cycle events, or phenophases, include leaf budburst, first flower, last flower, first ripe fruit, and leaf shedding, among others. Phenophases commonly observed in animals include molting, mating, egg-laying or birthing, fledging, emergence from hibernation, and migration (from Phenology Field Guide for Coal Oil Point Natural Reserve and the central California coast, by Brian P. Haggerty and Susan J. Mazer, U.C.S.B., 2008). Please visit the website www.usanpn.org to learn how to identify phenophases, and then enter whatever changes you observe in your garden or local area. Data about the phenophases of native plants is most helpful, but data about non-native plants is also useful.
TPF at the Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery in Barnsdall Park!
The Theodore Payne Foundation is taking part in the exhibit, "Actions, Conversations & Intersections and Ideational Architectures" at Barnsdall Park, from January 28 to April 18, 2010. The event is billed as "an exhibition of participatory-based art with interactive components that change weekly... a dynamic and performative interchange blurring the boundaries between visitors, artists and cultural producers. " Stop by the Gallery and take part!
The Gallery is open Thursday through Sunday, noon to 5 p.m., and is located at 4800 Hollywood Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90027.
Website: http://actionsconversationsintersections.com
Sunday, January 3, 2010
University of California Los Angeles Extension, Student Chapter
The information provided here will be used by the Student Chapter/ASLA (SCASLA), aka Landscape Architecture Student Association (LASA), solely for the purpose of creating a Student Directory to facilitate communication within the student body of the UCLA Extension Landscape Architecture Program. Those items checked will not be published in the Student Directory, but will be available to the SCASLA elected officers solely for communication purposes regarding SCA business. If there is any information you do not want available to the SCASLA elected officers, do not include it on this form. However, you must include at least one E-mail address and one phone number. Please return this in the SASE provided. Please print clearly.
Check here if you do not want the item to appear in the Student Directory
Name: _______________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________
City: ________________________________________________________
State: ________________________________ Zip Code: ______________
Home Phone: _________________________________________________
Work Phone: __________________________________________________
Cell Phone: ___________________________________________________
Home E-Mail: _________________________________________________
Work E-Mail: _________________________________________________
I am interested in volunteering for the following: (check all that apply)
( ) Student Show
( ) Providing Graphics or Word Processing Services
( ) Fundraising
( ) Assisting With Organizing Events or Activities
( ) Providing Technical Assistance for Internet / Web Communications
( ) Writing Articles for, or Editing the HAPPENINGS Newsletter